Baltimore Compost Collective

Baltimore Compost Collective

Baltimore Compost Collective performs agriculture-focused work in the community, with the community, and for the community. Image from Baltimore Compost Collective.

A youth-empowered collective, black-owned business, building a diverse composting community in Baltimore

The Baltimore Compost Collective is a local service that collects food scraps from residences in Baltimore neighborhoods and composts the material at the Filbert Street Community Garden in Curtis Bay, where it is used to grow fresh produce and build urban food security.

It is also a youth entrepreneurship program that employs local teenagers and trains them in workforce skills, food access programming and community-scale composting. Youth workers are gaining guided, hands-on experience managing a small-scale composting operation and its expansion.

BMoreAg and Baltimore Compost Collective work toward the same mission of increasing agriculture education throughout the community.